
We often collaborate with trusted advisors that are in the forefront of their domain in order to stay ahead of the latest industry trends

Manufacturing & Supply Chain

The manufacturing and supply chain sector faces numerous challenges, including managing complex operations, accurately forecasting demand, controlling costs, ensuring consistent quality, mitigating risks, and implementing sustainable practices. These issues stem from the need to coordinate intricate networks of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, adapt to market fluctuations, and comply with regulatory standards while maintaining high-quality production and minimizing environmental impact. Data analytics plays a crucial role in addressing these challenges. By leveraging predictive analytics, companies can improve demand forecasting accuracy and anticipate market changes more effectively. Data analytics also helps optimize supply chain processes by identifying inefficiencies and enhancing real-time tracking and monitoring. This leads to cost reductions through optimized inventory management and the identification of cost-saving opportunities in production and logistics. Moreover, advanced analytics contribute to quality improvement by monitoring production processes and detecting potential defects early. Risk mitigation is enhanced through data-driven assessments and predictive models, allowing companies to develop robust contingency plans. In terms of sustainability, analytics can track and reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing operations, identify energy savings, and promote sustainable sourcing. Overall, data analytics empowers the manufacturing and supply chain sector by providing actionable insights that lead to better decision-making, increased operational efficiency, and sustainable growth.

Bio Science

The latest trend in the bioscience sector is the rise of personalized medicine, which tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. Advances in genomics, biotechnology, and data analytics are enabling healthcare providers to develop more precise and effective therapies based on a person’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environment. Additionally, breakthroughs in CRISPR and other gene-editing technologies are opening new frontiers in disease prevention and treatment, allowing for targeted interventions at the molecular level. This shift towards personalized medicine promises to revolutionize healthcare, improving outcomes and reducing costs by moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach to treatment.


The latest trend in the energy sector is the rapid adoption of renewable energy technologies, driven by advancements in solar, wind, and battery storage solutions. As global efforts to combat climate change intensify, there is a significant shift towards sustainable energy sources, supported by favorable government policies and decreasing costs of renewable energy infrastructure. Additionally, innovations in smart grid technologies and the increasing integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices are enhancing the efficiency and reliability of energy distribution. This transition is not only reducing carbon emissions but also creating new economic opportunities and transforming the landscape of energy production and consumption.

Financial Tech

The latest trend in financial technology, or fintech, is the proliferation of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, which leverage blockchain technology to offer financial services without traditional intermediaries like banks. DeFi platforms enable peer-to-peer lending, borrowing, trading, and investing, providing greater accessibility, transparency, and efficiency in financial transactions. Additionally, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in fintech is enhancing risk assessment, fraud detection, and customer personalization. Digital payment systems and cryptocurrencies are also gaining mainstream acceptance, transforming how consumers and businesses conduct transactions globally. These innovations are democratizing finance, making it more inclusive and reshaping the financial landscape.


The latest trend in healthcare related to data is the increasing use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance patient care and operational efficiency. With the vast amounts of data generated by electronic health records (EHRs), wearable devices, and genomic research, healthcare providers are leveraging advanced analytics to uncover insights that drive better clinical decisions and personalized treatment plans. AI algorithms are being used to predict disease outbreaks, identify patient risk factors, and streamline administrative tasks. Additionally, data interoperability and the development of secure data-sharing platforms are enabling seamless collaboration among healthcare professionals, improving care coordination and patient outcomes. This data-driven approach is transforming healthcare by making it more proactive, predictive, and precise.

Trusted Advisors

Ranjan Prasad

Manufacturing & Supply Chain Sector
Zola | NJOY | SunLink | Cisco

Jeff Luchessi

Enterprise IT Services Sector
DHL | IBM | BHMC | Taos

Ashu Agarwal

Technology Sector
Symantec | Tibco | KPMG